When You Lose the Sun

When you lose the sun, only will you realize how much you need its warmth… The type of warmth that surrounds your entire body all at once. The warmth that keeps your nerves pumping and thriving to jump. The warmth that makes you feel so much alive.

When you lose the sun, only will you fathom how much you yearn for its light. The kind of light that gives you strength to keep moving forward. The light that keeps you walking straight to the right path. The light that captivates you and lures you to find all the beautiful treasures this world holds.

When you lose the sun, only will you make sense of  how much you’ve taken its presence for granted. How you’ve always complained that it was too relentless in making sure your day was well lit and joyful. How you’ve never taken the time to admire the splendor that everyday filled your eyes.

Quite a few times, you’ve seen your sun start to lose its light, you’ve felt the warmth slowly changing with each gush of the wind, you’ve watched the world slightly going dim with every passing day.

One day, you awoke and felt like something had gone wrong. You felt the urge to go out and see what has changed. Yet everything was all the same…the kids from next door were still laughing and playing by the porch. The old man man from across the street was still tuning out his trombone.

Everyone else felt the same except you. Then you find a note on your bedside table. It read: “Always keep the light and the warmth of my love in your heart. ‘Til we meet some day…”

…You had lost your Sun.

To my World,


From your Sun
