Live Each Moment

Retrieved photo from: lizaellen.com

Retrieved photo from: lizaellen.com

Life is short, as they say
So don't let each chance slip away
Live each moment as if it was your last
Just look ahead and don't think about the past

Storms may come so just hold tight
The sun will arise and shine so bright
'Cause our lives go on this way
Just strengthen your faith and with God you'll stay

Time will come that you'll set sail
To seas of mysteries you'll prevail
Just keep your strength and hold on
Live each moment as it goes on

A Wish Upon A Falling Star

Photo Credits: diliculo of deviantART

Photo Credits: diliculo of deviantART

I wished upon a falling star
I willed it so, that it heard me from afar
I wished my wish was the wish it gleamed among all wishes
I wished my wish was the one wish it chooses

I wished upon a falling star tonight
I wished a wish and endeared with all my might
I wished a wish to set me free
I wished a wish to make us happy

Though a wish is just a wish
Could my wish, just this once, be "the" wish?
The wish that the star glared upon in frazzle
The wish that the star worked in hassle

I wish my wish to come true
I willed with all my strength for it to
"Your wish, I heard", the star say
"Though I'm sorry dear miss, the wind blew it away..."

How my heart broke when the star revealed my misfortune
My most wished wish burnt out like cotton
My most wished wish of all wishes the wind had to take
My most wished wish of all wishes the wind had to break

I wished upon a falling star
I wished a wish that did not go so  far
I wish now that fate will take its tole
I wish that wish would soon play its role

My wish; I shan't ever reveal
My wish; I shan't ever unveil
Though I may divulge my wish was "the" wish, I know
For all must have wished the wish I wished, somehow...

-Richelle B. Conanan